Vicki H.

VikiHerdt_Testimonial3sm VikiHerdt_testimonial2sm VikiHerdt_testimonialsmOver the years I have owned several poodles Doris Sneider was kind enough to place with me. Without exception they are all wonderful dogs, from our first poodle 15 years ago to the three we have now. Our first poodle, Opie, was actually an amazing service dog for my autistic son from the time he was born. By the time my son was three, the two were inseparable and I don’t know what we would have done without Opie.

My son’s next service dog is now ten, and Willis has been the kindest,  gentlest, most patient dog I’ve ever known. My son finally learned to talk thanks to Willis, who has weathered ten years of moving, traveling by car, airplane and ambulance, and now moving into a genteel retirement. Thanks to Doris,  my son is now making a foray into a new arena with his four-month-old standard poodle Tobey.

Tobey is the best dog we have ever had, gentle, smart, and very sweet. We met him when he was four weeks old, at her kennels. They were so well kept and clean when we went in you honestly could not tell by the smell it is a kennel at all! When my son met him at eight weeks it was love at first sight for both of them. He will be an amazing service dog when he grows up. In the meantime my son is learning how to care for and train dogs, how to show them and groom them… something that will make him so much more capable than he already is.

In addition to our standard poodles, we also have a miniature, probably the smartest dog I have ever met. He to, is a service dog for anxiety, PTSD, and seizures. His spunky nature makes him perfect. He does his task and his energy keeps him alert and in the job whenever he is needed.

I encourage anyone looking for beautiful, sound, amazing dogs to go to Doris. We are so blessed to have her dogs and are grateful for her knowledge and support throughout the years. Come to think of it, she is every bit as amazing as her dogs!

The little grey poodle is Ollie and the black fluff ball is Tobey. Thanks Doris, for trusting us with your babies!

Vicki H.